Compendium of catholic social teaching
Compendium of catholic social teaching

compendium of catholic social teaching

This has been done both at a global and local level.

compendium of catholic social teaching

Since the publication of Rerum Novarum in 1891 the Catholic Church has consistently and explicitly addressed issues of social justice. Part 5: The Church’s social doctrine and Irish societyĬhapter Eight: The Irish context: Challenges and opportunities Part 4: The application of the principles of Catholic social doctrine to the economic, political and social spheresĬhapter Seven: The reality of global conflict and the challenge of peace VI: The fundamental values of social life: Truth, freedom, justice and love V: The principle and virtue of solidarity II: The common good of society and humanity I: The universal destination of the world’s goods Part 3: The basic tools for a critical evaluation of the social, political and economic spheresĬhapter Four: Catholic social teaching: Central principles Part 2: Solid foundations: The Christian world-viewĬhapter Two: Creation as a gift to all of humanity from a loving God To purchase this book online, go to CONTENTSĬhapter One: Why social teaching? The Church’s self-understanding

compendium of catholic social teaching

The author, Pádraig Corkery, is a priest of Cork and Ross diocese and lectures in moral theology at the Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. It is also an invaluable reource for anyone searching for direction from the Church’s social teaching on many of the social and ethical problems facing the modern world. This is an excellent and user-friendly guide to the “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church”. Home > Latest > Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Compendium of catholic social teaching